Extracurricular Clive
With all his activist hobbies, Clive Lewis must be Parliament's busiest man
Yesterday, Labour MP Clive Lewis announced he would be going to a demo this Sunday to defend refugees and migrants against far-right baddies.
Some on the Right were vexed about his post, but it’s not an unusual day out for Lewis - who frequently engages in, shall we say, “extracurricular activism”.
Go to Lewis’s social media accounts and you will be amazed by how much the man packs in on top of being an MP. Here’s a sample of the campaigns he represents:
And doesn’t he make a lovely activist…
Photogenicity aside, I do think it’s just a little bit worrying that Lewis was hiring for a campaigns assistant with one of these mad activist groups, called Compass:
Interestingly, Compass has links to Extinction Rebellion…
… a bit like Republic, another activist group that Lewis represents…
… I believe his not swearing the oath in Parliament (in July) may have been a publicity stunt for Republic…
Sian Berry, the Green MP, also backs Republic…
… and is part of another campaign group with Lewis, titled Green New Deal Rising…
… Talking of “green new deals”, Lewis previously co-chaired the Green New Deal All Parliamentary Group with Caroline Lucas…
… which appears to have had funding from the Open Society Foundation (George Soros, dun dun dunnn) among others:
Now the APPG is finished (a real shame, given how sane it seemed…)
… but Green New Deal Rising is going strong - based at a cooperative with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (a German organisation).
How does Lewis fit all his activism in and can he tell us more about the funders?
Perhaps those attending Sunday’s demo can ask Parliament’s busiest man!
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He used to swear a lot, I'm told; TA squaddy, all that. As a constituent of the odd-looking Mr Lewis (does he shave? I keep asking my Beardist Self), I'm not sure I want to be a Sworn Oath Receiver, having declared myself neither Swearable, nor Oathable, or however it is that 'Republic' characterises Sworn At People. (Another example of the far left twisting normal usage out of shape: any fule know one only swears oaths to an abstraction). Norwich South a nice place, but as currently drawn it's a constituency that'd vote for dog muck in a red rosette, though some us here merely like dogs. Being perfectly content with (i) living in a representative not delegated democracy (ii) having an MP I personally loathe, I half-heartedly sent his office a few unanswered emails requesting that he ask some questions on behalf of his sex-realist constituents. But he likes LGB Alliance no more than his mate, the equally fresh-faced Guardianisto O.Jones. Anyhow thanks for dipping into his appointments diary.