Why is The National Lottery funding Jeremy Corbyn and other far left activists' operations?
The Common Knowledge helps organise protest/ campaign groups
In this article I will introduce you to The Common Knowledge.
It can best be described as the “strategy wing” of the Pelican House cooperative, which I wrote about yesterday. I call it “Commie WeWorks” as it’s where a broad range of left-wing groups come to organise.
The Common Knowledge receives funding from The National Lottery Community Fund - money apparently intended for “good causes”. I’m not sure if The Common Knowledge is most people’s idea of this:
It essentially helps lefties start disruptive campaigns (Instagram)…
… even having its own handbook to help…
… with information on payrolls and other financial areas…
… and it doesn’t end there (it’s worth having a trawl of its website to see just how organised the Left are):
It worked with Momentum:
And Progressive International, which Corbyn is Co-General Coordinator of:
Other achievements include supporting the “Crimes of Solidarity” and “Border Forensics” campaigns:
And coaching Novara Media (“2020 - Ongoing”)
… which receives funding from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation…
… which, to reiterate, is based at Pelican House - explaining the appearance of Novara staff there:
Also, on the right you can spot James Schneider, Communications Director for Progressive International and co-founder of Momentum:
Schneider brings us onto Jeremy Corbyn, who is a “Green New Deal Rising Champion” - along with Clive Lewis, Carla Denyer, Sian Berry, Nadia Whittome and Zarah Sultana - aka representing the interests of a campaign group called Green New Deal Rising (also based at Pelican House).
The Common Knowledge works with GNDR:
It advised GNDR on branding:
Anyway… With all this being said, why did The National Lottery Community Fund spend over £60,000 on this far-left outfit (The Common Knowledge)?
It means lottery players contributed towards Corbyn and other activists’ operations!
The Common Knowledge’s funders don’t stop there.
It also gets money from, among others, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung…
… explaining why the Common Knowledge was happy to advise it on art direction in its New York Office:
Furthermore, The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust has given it £66,000:
This is interesting because the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust donated £149,610 to a Labour councillor’s “youth democracy” charity:
The charity also received £495,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund to “continue its work empowering young leaders through ‘Democracy Cafés’”.
Why are these institutions spending so much on “democracy” campaigns?
And how come only “the few”, not “the many”, know about these things?
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