A vile scam that clearly violates charity laws. How is this not investigated?

Great investigative journalism - cheers!

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Absurd Gov’t shouldn’t fund a political party.

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This is disgusting. Why are the government funding these political activists with tax payers money. The Tories have lost the plot!

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Hope not hate is a terrorist organisation

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Is this the HnH that their leader was once BNP? Is this the HnH that their leader spread disinformation to such an extent it lead to muzzies running amok in Birmingham and his info was proven as misleading and misinformation and yet no action was taken but in the same conversation in relation to Southport rioters, they were scooped up, investigated and jailed within days? Yes is the answer.

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I’m sick of politically motivated ( usually left leaning ) ngo’s and quangos being leaned on for policy and having to pay for the privilege. Great work. Important work. Restacking.

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HNH are also deeply in cahoots with MI5

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